Darling, you are whole & you always have been...
[a variation on the You were always whole print, this is taken from my I AM ENOUGH zine]
Oh the moon, what a magnificent force and beauty she is.. and so are you.
Just like the moon, you may retreat for a time, hide yourself away, keep your light to yourself... but that makes you no less whole, no less significant, powerful or wonderful.
You are whole my darling, you always have been, and you always will be. Please remember that.
This is for anyone who's been putting in the hard head and heart work, becuase they felt "less than whole", or maybe you're only being 'seen' now, but you were always this person... and either you couldn't see it but your loved ones could, or you always saw it and the world just couldn't (because it's usually one or the other)... you get me? Yeah, this is for you.
If you are fortunate to have stepped into a space of true understanding, I salute you, and hope to meet you at your level.
Because we're all on slightly different journeys, and telling different stories, I'll be aiming to tailor the second line to your narrative and to serve your highest good... pick from the options or tell me in the notes, what you'd like to see there.
....Lots more prints available, and more are coming, all printed on thick recycled paper!
Print details:
- Created in Photoshop
- White 'thin card' 190g - 100% recycled (Origin UK / EU from 100% post consumer waste)
- Unframed
- Available sizes:
- A3 (large) 297 x 420 mm
- A4 (standard) 210 x 297mm
- A5 (small) 148 x 210 mm
- A6 (postcard) 105 x 148 mm
- Greetings card 120x120mm + envelope
Art hangers available here